Project structure and work packages

WP1 - Co-design of transformation pathways with stakeholders

At the core of the project is the iterative dialogue with stakeholder panels, composed by representatives from politics, business and civil society. The project team will co-design quantitative scenarios with key stakeholders from civil society, business and policy making in an iterative process of information sharing and consultation. The exchange with stakeholders shall both ensure societal relevance of the scenario building process and provide participating stakeholders with useful insights for their work and strategies by 2050.

WP2 - Exploring deep transformation scenarios

The co-production process with stakeholders flows into a model-based analysis of alternative 2°C climate change mitigation pathways. The following issues will be primarily explored: (1) the speed and depth of the transformation towards a low carbon society; (2) the sectoral bottlenecks of decarbonisation; and (3) carbon dioxide removal from the atmosphere to neutralize residual emissions that are either unavoidable or can only be avoided at very high costs.

WP3 - Socio-economic implications of the transformation process

The analysis of alternative climate change mitigation pathways will be complemented by micro-simulations to explore distributional implications for households and possible regressive effects of climate change policies.

WP4 - Coordination, Integration, and Dissemination of Results

Research results will be integrated and made available to decision-makers from policy and business, and actors from civil society and science via a dissemination strategy developed jointly with the stakeholders.